Fidelity Spare Parts

These spare parts were purchased from Peter Roberts, who worked as repairman for Competence, the distributor of Fidelity chess computers in the UK, through most of the 1980s and 90s. They appear to be mostly unused components in good condition (obvious exceptions noted) and should be in working order. Peter Roberts himself had no Eprom copying or testing equipment, so the ROMs are as supplied by Fidelity. Some may have been damaged or lost their data over the years. I have no facility for testing these components, or inclination to do so. So if you order an item it will be at your own risk.

The items are available to known owners of the chess computer models concerned as replacement parts. Most for only a nominal charge to cover packaging, plus the actual shipping cost to you. Some components, eg program ROMs for the more valuable Fidelitys such as Elites, Mach IIIs and IVs, will be charged at a ‘commercial price’*. This is to discourage multiple requests, and particularly those from modders and traders. The intention is to provide a long term resource for the chess computer community to help keep the old machines going.

*refund on return if they are faulty

The list below is a first draft and shows numbers, part reference number, date stamp (can vary) and model / rom info.
Corrections and further information, particularly matching part numbers to Fidelity models etc, will be very welcome.


ROMs for the Early Fidelitys  (including CC3, CC10, CC7, Voice, Advanced Voice, Bridge, Sensory 8, Voice Sensory, Champion etc) Some chips are found in several models. For a useful source of information see MESS emulation data.

1x  101 - 1024A02...(8137)....[CSC?]
2x  101 - 1024A04...(8140)
1x  101 - 1024B05..................[CSC]
1x  101 - 1025A01...(8137)....[CSC?]
3x  101 - 1025A02...(8148)....[CSC]
5x  101 - 1025A03...(8137)....[CSC]
7x  101 - 1034A01..................[SC9]
7x  101 - 1034B02...(8327)....[SC9]
2x  101 - 1034C02...(8348)
1x  101 - 1052A01...(8327)....[Elite A]
1x  101 - 1052A02...(8333)....[Elite A]
1x  101 - 1072A01...................[Excellence EP12]
2x  101 - 1072B01...................[Excellence 6080]
2x  101 - 1073A01
4x  101 - 1080A01...(8726)...[Excellence 6080B, Excellence Voice, Excel Display]
1x  101 - 32010......................[Adv 4K]
2x  101 - 32013......................[VCC1/CC10]
1x  101 - 32016......................[CC7]
8x  101 - 32017.......(8149)....[SC8]
11x101 - 32024......................[SC8/VSC 4K (P07179-031)]
2x  101 - 32107.......(7951)
8x  101 - 32118.......(8041)....[Bridge & Others 4K Speech]
1x  101 - 64015......................[VSC (K07439-028)]
1x  101 - 64016......................[VSC?(K07049-027)]
5x  101 - 64017........(8032)....[Adv 8K]
1x  101 - 64019......................[VSC (K07599-030)]
10x101 - 64108.....................[Adv Bridge 8K]
7x  101 - 64109......................[Adv Bridge 8K]
9x  101 - 64110......................[Adv Bridge 8K]
1x  CN19076N........(7935)....[VCC English Language]
1x  CN19173N........(79xx)....[VCC1 / CC10]
9x  CN19174N........(7932)....[VCC2 / CC10]
2x  CN19175N........(7933)....[VCC3]
2x  D2364C-069......(79xx)....[Bridge 1]
2x  D2364C-070......(79xx)....[Bridge 2]
2x  D2332C-188......(79xx)....[Bridge 3]


ROMs for other known models

Mini Sensory
1x  SR0022.............(8139)

Champion Sensory
4x  N825141N.......(8135)....[8K white dot]

1x  TMS2532JL-35..(8349)...[4K, IC5 Green 41]
1x  M5L2764K.......................[8K, IC4 Grey 40]

1x  27C256L-12....................[32K U3]
1x  27C256L-12....................[32K U4]

Elite 6117
2x  .........................................[U19 02]
3x  .........................................[U22 E2]

2x  68020 v.1-3A Odd
2x  68020 v.1-3A Even

1x  68020 v.1-3A Odd

Designer Mach III 6113
2x  IC10
2x  IC11


ROMs yet to be matched to specific models

1x  D2732D.............(8210)
1x  HN462732G
1x  M2732AF........................[sticker 101 1068 A02]
1x  MBM2732-35.................[sticker 7057-02 FROM 2532 21]
1x  AM9232CPC.................[mrom]

2x  KM28C64-25
2x  AT28C64X-25...(8834)

16K ROMs
2x  D27128-4...........(82xx)
2x  27128-45............(8423)
3x  M27128AF1......(8710)....[one sticker 101-1072A01]
2x  M27128A-2F1...(8827)

32K ROMs
1x  TC57256D-25...(8540)
1x  MBM27C256-25..(8546)
4x  27C256-15.........(8638)....[one Par-Ex sticker, one pink sticker 07]
1x  VT27C256-25....(8949)
1x  NMC27C256Q-20..(8836)
1x  TMS27C256JL..(8840)
1x  TMS27C256-20JL..(9013)
1x  TMS27C256-25JL..(9009)

128K ROMs
1x  TMS27C010A-15.......... [510 sticker]
1x  D27C010A-150V10........[510 sticker B3.1 928B U8]
1x  AM27C010-200DC........[sticker B3 B22 U8]

1x  M2764A-2F1....(8749)....[8K sticker brown dot]
2x  M2764A-2F1....(8749)....[8K sticker blue dot]
1x  M2764D-15......(8723)....[8K sticker blue dot]
2x TMS27C64JL...(8839)....[8K sticker red dot]
1x TMS27C64JL...(8839)....[8K sticker brown dot]

5x  850330-A2283...(9127)

Miscellaneous 24-pin
2x  D8243C..............(8039)
1x  EA8332A070-1..(8042)
1x  EA8332A071-1..(8045)

Miscellaneous 40-pin
4x  MB1422A..........(8920)
3x  P05366-021.......(8041)....[100-1009]
3x  P05036-019.......(8041)....[100-1009]
2x  SR0016.............(8139)



1x  Z80.....................(9048)
1x  Z80A
1x  6502...................(8641)
1x  6502A................(8233)....[2MHz]
1x  6502AP..............(8438)....[2MHz]
1x  UM 6502A........(8635)
1x  MOS 6502B......(8313)
1x  R6502P.............(8102)
1x  R65C02P2.........(8430)
6x  65C102 P3.........(8551)....[3MHz]
1x  R65C02 P3........(8439)
2x  65C02 P4...........(8626)....[4MHz]
6x  CDP 1802 ACE................[8 bit, 3.2MHz]
2x  MC 6800 L........(7748)....[8 bit, 1MHz][condition??]
1x  TMP80C50AP-6..(8627)..[singlechip incl. 4K ROM + 256b RAM]
1x  TMP80C50AP-6..(8524)..[singlechip][Classic]
1x  MC 68000 P8....(8928)...[16 bit, 8MHz]
1x  MC68HC000 P12F..(8924)..[16 bit, 16MHz]
2x  HD 68HC000 P12............[16 bit]
3x  VY86C010-12QC.............[32 bit RISC cpu, VLSI-ARM, Saitek Risc 2500, original Tasc Chessmachine etc]
1x  510.1123B01......(89xx)....[68020 daughterboard]
1x  D546C.................(8728)....[4 bit singlechip?]


4x  D8255AC-5.....................[Input/Output adaptor for VCC, Adv, CC3, CC10]
2x  MPS 6520.........(8135)...[Peripheral Interface Adaptor]
1x  R6520AP..........(8511)....[Peripheral Interface Adaptor]
3x  MC6821P.........(7906)....[Peripheral Interface Adaptor, 1MHz]
3x  R6522PX..........(8049)....[Interface Adaptor]
3x  R6522-11.........(7933)....[Interface Adaptor]
2x  6522..................(8244)....[Interface Adaptor]
6x  Z80A P10.........(8342)....[Input/Output device]
1x  Z80A P10B1...................[Input/Output device]
6xTSI S14001A....(8024)...[Speech synthesizer chips]

3x  12MHz Crystals
4x  16MHz Crystals


1x  TMM2016AP-12..(8429)..[2K SRAM]
1x  TMM2016BP-10..(8702)..[2K SRAM]
1x  TMM2016P-1..................[2K SRAM]
1x  TMM2016P-7..................[2K SRAM]
2x  HM6116P-3.................... [2K SRAM]
2x  HM6116P-4.....................[2K SRAM]
2x  HM6116LP-3...................[2K SRAM]
3x  CDM6116AE2.................[2K SRAM]
1x  UM6264-12.......(8947)....[8K SRAM]
2x  MS6264L-10.....(8823)....[8K SRAM]
6x  HM62256ALP-8..............[32K SRAM]
2x  KM2256ALP-10..............[32K SRAM]

4x  MB1422A.........(8920)....[DRAM Controller]



2x  D1S134B.........................[Red LED 2 digit]
1x  60947...............................[Red LED 4 digit]
4x  .........................................[Red LED 4 digit two piece plastic assembly, no electronics]
1x  TIL373.............................[Red LED 4 digit]
5x  .........................................[LCD 4 digit]
4x  D05103ORC06U..............[LCD]
2x  FIP8A5R..........................[8 digit display - Bridge]

1x  NP1170?..........................0.2W speaker
1x  ME1?...............................0.2W speaker (used?)
1x  NE?..................................0.2W speaker (used)

8x  .........................................3 position switches
3x  .........................................2 position switches
1x  .........................................switch end
15x  .......................................switch sliders

1x  .........................................power supply connector
5x  .........................................battery contacts
19x  .......................................various cable connectors (incl ribbon cable connectors)
1x  .........................................14 wire ribbon cable (10cm)
14x  .......................................2 prong connector wires (Elite type)
9x  510.1118A01...................Mini pcbs?
1x  MB7924243012 Rev C...
5x  .........................................40leg Sockets

2x  .........................................battery covers
6x  .........................................Phantom belts (various lengths)
6x  .........................................triangular blanking plates
2x  .........................................Chess Challenger blanking plates


Fidelity Parts
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