Peri Gamma
Peri Gamma  2  25 x 25

The Peri Gamma has the same program and basic electronics as a Fidelity Designer 2000. It was made in Scharnstein, Austria in 1989. Whilst I do not know a great deal about the Peri company it is clear that they concentrated on style and presentation in their products. Most Peri machines seem to have been sold in Austria or Switzerland, if the sellers in Ebay auctions are anything to go by.

Peri Gammas are found in only a few known collections and I have only seen this one on Ebay. That I won the Ebay auction for it is probably down to there being no photographs in the listing and the most rudimentary of descriptions.

Playing the Peri Gamma simultaneously with a Designer 2000 they played the same moves in the same time intervals throughout.


Peri Gamma  5  20 x 20 Peri Gamma  1  25 x 25
Peri Gamma  7  20 x 20
Peri Gamma  8  20 x 20
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